
Work Packages 1–9

Work Package 2


The overall goal of WP 2 was the creation and maintenance of the project’s integrated River Basin Information System (RBIS) in order to ensure the exchange of geodata and associated metadata between the different project partners and stakeholders involved.

VGTB RBIS can be accessed through the following link:
All project-related data are uploaded and can be downloaded here.

Different objectives have been achieved:

  • VGTB RBIS has been implemented.
  • The responsible party has been added as a new function to get a better overview about all datasets a person or organization is responsible for.
  • Some additional XML attributes have been introduced to realize an easier linkage between datasets of different types of data in RBIS.
  • New adapted filters for importing different types of time series data formats form were added and used to import hydrological data.
  • 4 main subtasks were identified (Internationalization of all system messages; Internationalization of all language depended data stored in XML documents; Internationalization of text stored in the database with the focus on fixed enumerations; Translation into Vietnamese) and are now worked upon.
  • RBIS has been equipped with a Sensor Observation Service (SOS) interface to provide an unproblematic automatic data-exchange between VGTB-RBIS and other applications, services and organization.
  • Start of enhancing VGTB RBIS by additional data models.
  • VGTB RBIS course was conducted in September 2010, October 2011 for German project partners and in November for the Vietnamese partners, at DARD and DONRE.

More Info

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